Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Senator Michael Crapo, (R) Idaho - Response to your remarks: Idaho Press-Tribune - April 18, 2006

The Honorable Senator Michael Crapo:

Senator Crapo, your remarks to reporter Mike Butts, Idaho Press-Tribune, 18 April 2006, "Crapo backs 'sensible' guestworker plan," shows that you do not truly understand or care what your Idaho constituents want. I am angry and disgusted with your capitulation to pro-illegal alien employers.

“Crapo said most input he has received from Idaho voters on the issue supports strong enforcement of immigration laws.”

The truth is that we want our government to stop all illegal entry. We want all 20 million illegal aliens to return to their countries of origin. We do not want a guest-worker program of any form. We want legal immigration, including asylees and refugees, to be lowered from the current 1 million to 200,000 per year. We want our federal government to enforce the current immigration laws. We want the federal government to stop “aiding and abetting illegal aliens” by funding all groups advocating illegal alien rights and providing convenient loopholes in laws so that employers are not responsible for their hiring practices. We want citizenship for children of illegal aliens to be revoked. We want a repeal of family reunification laws. We want our government to be honest with, and for its citizens and not be shills for corporate entities.

You continue to stress we are a nation of immigrants (which is not true) and a nation of law (which is only partially true according to which laws the feds choose to enforce). The majority of American citizens were born here and were not immigrants. We as a nation have the right to decide who and how many can come here. We do not want to increase our population to rival that of China and India. The massive amnesty being proposed will destroy this nation. If we are a nation of laws then why has not the nation enforced their immigration laws? Enforcement is practically non-existent, and only on rare occasions does the government make a show of enforcement of immigration law. The laws are not broken, they are being ignored or subverted by government officials charged with enforcement.

You want a guest worker program, but past experience has shown that guests are not "guests" but become permanent residents. There is no control on their children becoming citizens, and thus parents are never asked to leave. Once permanent they then can start sending for their relatives and jump on the welfare band wagon. Why call it a guest worker program. . . that’s just b.s. It is a welfare program for foreigners and employers. This is just another government scam to give employers greater profits, while showing no regard for the citizens who must shoulder the costs and endure the pain of massive population impacts. You cannot be ignorant of the fact it is the citizens who do not benefit from massive immigration whether it be legal or illegal. You and your elitist collegues can hide behind the walls of your gated communities, jet off to remote locations to avoid the crowds, while the public suffers your rewards.

Do you honestly think that “we the people” actually believe you will enforce future immigration laws? Look what happened after the promises made in 1965 and 1986. For once do what is right and enforce current immigration law and let the illegal aliens know there are “no safe havens” anymore. If you really wanted to be a leader you would act to enforce our laws and do what is necessary to insure the government inspected documents and hold employers responsible for their hiring practices! You would insure that all illegal aliens knew they will be deported and not allowed to return if they don't leave within the next six months. Surely that is not too difficult of a concept, especially when it was promised by your esteemed predecessors in Congress.

Remember you took an oath of office to obey, defend, and protect the Constitution and that you have no right to give away my country to a horde of invaders and force me to pay for the invasion. If you don't comprehend my views expressed above, then perhaps you will understand why I and many others will not vote for you should you dare run again. I am sure you will understand after the election that we the people are serious and will no longer tolerate being conned by elected officials.


Robert B. Murray II, Ph.D.

P.S. Senator, you should really read Dr. Daneen G. Peterson's articles at: http://www.michnews.com/artman/publish/cat_index_37.shtml for more truth about the issues re:illegal aliens and their impact on our people and nation. You owe it to your constituents, if not for the sake of your own family.

Also, I invite you to visit our blogsites to find more about our views on illegal aliens and to make comments on this letter by visiting:
