Friday, September 21, 2007


Whether Senator Larry Craig exonerates his tainted name is not the issue. Although many have extolled his value to Idaho because of his seniority for being able to gain federal dollars (read taxpayers money) for special programs (read special interests), the dark side is that he does not listen to the People. The majority of the People do not want more immigration, but less.

Craig's AgJobs bill is an example. When first conceived it was being sold as correcting a difficulty that farmers had in getting H-2A visas. It did not pass. Now, in its present form it grants illegal aliens the right to stay in the country, work in agriculture for three years, and then be given permanent status to remain. Then they are free to move onto other jobs. It should not pass. If Craig remains, by what stealth move will he use to get this atrocious bill passed?

The entire guest workers' concept is bogus, because it is a program that continually requires new workers each year to replace those that move onto higher paying jobs. These workers will be allowed to bring their families and produce untold numbers of new citizens of which many will end on welfare rolls. It will not reduce the price of products, but it will increase our population to unbearable levels.

Craig claims we need 500,000 immigrants yearly to achieve an economic growth of 3.5 percent annually, just so we can fund social security for the baby boomer's retirements. How will we then pay for retirements of those who came to pay for the boomers? Had Congress not continually raided the trust fund, this might not be necessary.

Economic growth is just like the "Ponzi" scheme of Social Security. You just cannot continue to add more people to gain more economic wealth without recognizing that there are limits to growth. P.A. Madison ( ) views it thus: "When one speaks of jobs and business needs along with immigration in the same sentence they are not speaking of American Economic needs or demands, but speaking solely of the needs of an exploding foreign population in the United States." If you can't foresee the problems when this valley grows to several million you are an ostrich. Is this what Craig wants? ; to have us live like those in Bangladesh, China, or India so he will be insured of his retirement?

Craig, and the other pro-illegal alien lobbies, are lulling us to sleep. They still want cheap labor and amnesty for illegal aliens and are exploring every angle to push it down our throats. Craig has made it amply clear he is pro-amnesty. The only real solution is to enforce the entire law, and send every illegal alien back to their home countries. If you dare believe Senator Craig on the recent crackdown, "That's the law. It's being enforced, and it should be enforced." Tell Craig and others, to apply that accurate analysis to all of the current immigration law? We are tired of hearing the "law is broken, " when you know the President and Administration have been totally negligent in enforcing our laws. They all want open borders.....

If he reneges on his resignation tell him he needs to revisit the birthright clause of the 14th Amendment, because he and his colleagues have misinterpreted its "intent"? The Amendment excluded children of aliens from becoming automatic citizens. Therefore, those granted citizenship by this misinterpretation should be retroactively declared as aliens.
Another new gimmick to twist the American citizens mind, is illegal alien students hoping to join the armed forces, a path to permanent legal status.

While you're at it, tell him to severely reduce those who may be included in family reunification, since they, Congress are working 24/7 to totally destroy America!

A Senator's first duty is to represent and support the citizens', not illegal aliens!

Unhappy Americans from Idaho.....