Thursday, July 10, 2008

American Taxpaying Citizens:

Do you smell that foul odor emanating from the halls of government? Everyone knows our government was formed by the people, specifically for the people, and is governed by the rule of law. So surely that smell cannot be from the “sweetheart deals” made between our leaders and their corporate sponsors. Yet there, right under everyone’s noses, our leaders have transformed the words “for the people” into “for the corporations.” We the people are no longer relevant!

Government ties to corporations have become so pervasive the people have little or no say in anything that counters corporate interests. Rather, than protecting the people’s interest government has become the willing partner to further corporate ends. The sole purpose of government, at all levels, seems to exist only to support business and their quest for greater profit. We see this by the constant push by government to grow our nation, both in terms of more people whether legally or illegally and the economy. There is little concern about the cost of growth as long as government and corporations share the wealth at the expense of the people.

Whole commerce departments are devoted to encouraging growth of their respective states.

Nearly every facet of business has a large number of groups devoted to insuring they are well cared for by Congress. Collectively, the voices of business drown out the cries of the people for tax relief, because government conveniently assumes we are responsible for growth so we should pay for it. Government also assumes that business needs tax breaks, grants, low cost insurance, direct loans, trade protection, unjustified special interest loopholes in the tax code, and other incentives or economic growth will cease. And, also their own selfish interests would wither.

Our founding fathers created a system of free enterprise, in which government was to stay out of the way of business. Unfortunately, government had without the people’s consent, devised a fascist system “the corporate state” patterned after that of Benito Mussolini. This corporate welfare system is mutually beneficial for both government and business.

The former gains power, while the latter gains greater wealth and also power to impose their will on the people. No matter how you look at it, we the people are being scammed, fleeced, by our government to the tune of billions of dollars in corporate subsidies.

Behind the scenes even greater evil lurks. Our own president, apparently without the approval of the people or Congress, has decided that the United States no longer needs to be an independent nation. In cahoots with giant global corporations our government is spending millions of our tax dollars to disassemble our borders and unite us in one happy North American community. Can you guess why the border fence is not being built?

The chaos created by those of greed and powers are destroying our nation. Citizens must awake to the realities of what is happening by special interests and their desire for socializing the country and bringing us into a one world government.

Unhappy American

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