Friday, May 19, 2006

Crying in My Beer by Robert B. Murray II, Ph.D.

May 19, 2006

I was so p.o. after reading what the Senate has accomplished in their rush to get us a guest worker program I wrote the following:

"President Bush and the Senate are determined to transform the United States into a corporate state. The Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act (CIRA, S. 2611), if enacted, will allow 103-217 million legal immigrants to enter the U.S. over the next 20 years. Great for a corporate CEO who will enhance his fortunes at the expense of the U.S. taxpayer.

Granting citizenship provides eligibility to welfare programs like the Earned Income Credit, food stamps, medicaid, and temporary assistance to needy families. Our corporate friends will reap the benefits of new customers, while we taxpayers will pay for their presence.

Robert Rector, Heritage Foundation, estimated that granting citizenship to 85 percent of the current estimated 9-10 million illegal aliens would increase net federal fiscal costs by $16 billion per year.

The Center for Immigration Studies estimated that the federal costs of granting amnesty for only 3.8 million illegal alien households would be $19 billion per year.
Let’s expand this to the 217 million, which would result in 21.7 X $16 billion to equal a total of $347.2 billion (in current dollars) in the year 2026.
When the masses can no longer pay for such entitlements, the feudal lords will terminate such programs.

The supply of labor will be so large that wages will plummet to all time lows. The middle class will disappear and the nation will be a two class society; the rich and the poor.
The goal of the elite will have been achieved.
All those nice $250,000 houses will be foreclosed, because the owner’s cannot afford the monthly payment.
On the bright side, perhaps our corporate masters will be kind and allow our families room and board in lieu of wages. To survive we will gladly comply.

Oh well, it was a great country while it lasted!"


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